The indomitable Aethonar the Archer is a MayinHara of the Second Generation of Bringers of the Day. Hailing from the Nilchee tribe who are ruled by the element of air, Aethonar is a natural-born hunter. This is the same in the World of MayinHara for all members of the Nilchees. On his homeworld, he would chase dinosaur-like creatures called Amakdak that stood on two legs and ate smaller creatures.
By nature, Aethonar is a quiet one who spends most of the time meditating when not fighting. It doesn’t enjoy long conversations. Short and to the point is what Aethonar prefers. As a Nilchee, it worships the air and has a shrine of bird feathers in its simple dwelling. In the middle of the altar is a dragon tooth of the dragon who gave ‘thought-birth’ to it. At night Aethonar chants and drums to the moon and thanks the dragon and MayinHara ancestors for the gift of life.
The powers and skills of Aethonar include Head Shot, Mark of the Hunt, Power Piercing Arrow, Empower, Deadly Strikes and Skilled Up. With majestic armour, Aethonar is a sight to behold as it flies into battle!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The enchanting Celestior was a natural-born hunter and MayinHara Mage from the Bringers of the Day Era. When Celestior is not casting spells or enchanting objects, its second favourite pastime is to be chasing animals through the forest. Celestior can wait patiently and quietly for hours on end when stalking prey. As a Tamburian tribal member, Celestior will always offer the spoils of hunting to the spirit of the Fire Dragons that rule its ancestry.
Like other Tamburian MayinHara, Celestior trained as a mage and then served in other tribes as is the custom. Celestior is a sharp-eyed one with a focus like an eagle soaring through the skies. This incredible ability for observation makes this MayinHara even more deadly in battle.
Celestior worships the element of fire and sings to the Fire Dragons of the homeworld. It performs a ritual meditation each night staring at the stars for they were born from fire.
The song of the Tamburian to honour the stars is what it sings,
“Stars of my birth
Stars of my ancestors
Stars from the void
Stars that explode into ash
Stars that light the way
For MayinHara we are!”
Celestior’s powers include Fireball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up and Ready for Action.
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The powerhouse that is Zephyriel is from the Nilchee tribe who are ruled by the element of air. A MayinHara of the First Hope, Zepphyriel is of the first race of these legendary beings. Zehphyriel’s mind and personality are flighty like air. One moment it will speak in focused conversation, the next it will fly into battle without any sign of emotion. MayinHara do have emotions but they are usually quite controlled. Their prime objective is to fight and protect.
Zephyriel draws on the power of air and whispers to the wind to take the arrow to the heart of the enemy. The MayinHara are not born male or female, they are magically manifested beings. Zephyriel, like all MayinHara, was born from the flesh and spirit of dragons. Dragons rule the other world beyond the rift. Deep in meditation the dragons chanted in inner realms calling forth these powerful beings. Born from the light, without a mother or father. MayinHara were known as ‘Swayambu or self-born’. They are thought forms from the majestic minds of dragon kings and queens and born of dragon flesh by arcane magic.
As a MayinHara archer, Zephyriel unleashes a barrage of attacks to decimate the foe. Zephyriel’s powers and abilities include Head Shot, Mark of the Hunter, Power Piercing Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Empower, Deadly Strikes and Skilled Up. Adorned with glorious armour, Zephyriel is a stunning archer and ally in battle!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The arcane Valtorius is a fiery Mage of the Tamburian Tribe. Its powers are terrifying with Fire Ball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up, and Ready For Action.
Valtorius has a short temper and doesn’t suffer fools. Its main objective is to destroy the enemy. Valtorius has no time for small talk or friendships. This was the manner and way for it even from childhood.
The first signs of magical ability came in the first few years of its life. Using mind power alone Valtorius could lift massive objects like tables and barrels at will even at 3 years old. This was a clear sign that arcane training as a Mage should start earlier than is normal for Tamburian tribe members.
As a First Hope Era MayinHara, Valtorius was in the first wave to come through the rift to fight for Ventuna against Oblivion. Fighting in the first wave was particularly fierce so Valtorius is a battle-hardened warrior who is merciless towards the forces of darkness.
Though a being of few words, on the full moon Valtorius will dance and sing to the Fire Dragons of MayinHara. With a body painted in hues of red, orange, yellow, purple, and blue Valtorious dances the tribal dance of his ancestors calling the Dragon Lords to bring victory to Ventuna!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The brawler Elyon is of the Jeela Tribe that are ruled by the element of water; servants of the Water Dragons of the MayinHara world. These Jeela MayinHara train as warriors from the age of 12 and then join other tribes at 18.
Elyon’s love of water means that every moment possible when not in combat, Elyon is immersed in water. Be it sea, river, lake or stream. The water gives all Jeela MayinHara a sense of peace and harmony. Fishing is also a favourite pastime of Elyon and many others of its home tribe.
Elyon’s worship of the water elements involves a ceremony where sacred gemstones are bathed in seawater. Then Elyon sings and drums sitting in a circle of the washed stones. The Jeela believed that the water ceremony helps them hear the inner voice of the Water Dragons speaking great wisdom to them.
Elyon’s array of powers includes Fireball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up and Ready For Action. In battle, Elyon the Warrior is a dynamic and devastating ally to have on your team!
Active Skills
Allows you to do a might charge forward, smashing and obliterating any enemies!
Take a giant leap into the air and slam down, punishing enemies in range and stunning them.
Strong Leap
The raging whirlwind spins on the spot and allows the hero to extend their weapon to slash at nearby enemies.
WhirlwindUltimate Skill
Smashes their weapon to the ground and creates a tumultuous earthquake with all its might!
Earth ShatterPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Stay primed for battle, increasing your Attack strength, ensuring every strike hits harder.
Ready for Action
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Zira is an Orc Archer from the Orc Tribes of Last Hope. Zira is a kindhearted soul and often feeds the poor in Last Hope from all races. She sees all races as one and truly believes in the fight against the evil of Oblivion and the Church of the One.
Before the fall of Ventuna into darkness, Orcs lived in harmony and peace below the mountains. They would hunt, fish and practise arts and crafts. However, with the rise of Oblivion some Orcs were turned to the dark side by Oblivion’s magic fog. Most orcs escaped the Dark One’s grasp and took up residence in the domed city of Last Hope. They represent the original spirit of the Orc tribes who believed in unity amongst all races.
Though her heart is peaceful, Zira is a deadly archer who rains down death on the foul forces of Oblivion. Her name Flame Arrow embodies her dangerous ability with a bow. Her skills and powers include Exploding Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Skilled Up and Flameskin. A powerful ally to have by your side in the gritty fight for victory and liberation!
Active Skills
Shoots an exploding arrow up into the air that lands with a big explosion.
Exploding ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Skilled Up
Become impervious to the searing pain of flames, making you immune to burn effects.
A Mercenary Dwarf and Cleric, Thrain Ironfist is a man of the Gods who tells fables to inspire others and goes into battle fearlessly. His special powers in combat include Life Fountain, Last Stand and Holy Conduit. Indeed, Thrain’s stalwart faith in Gaia Ventuna and the light of good is an inspiration for all races opposed to Oblivion.
As a teenager, he saw the light of the Gods and Goddesses in a vision. He was below a mountain and there was a solitary spring. As he gazed at the spring, a vision of a beautiful Orc Goddess appeared. She told him that he was destined to be a great Cleric healer who would inspire faith in others. But that he would earn his coin through being a hired mercenary with Guilds.
When he is not on a quest, he does not enjoy taverns or ale. He prefers to sit in deep meditation for up to 5 hours a day and then he devours half a pig and maybe several chickens roasted over a spit!
Active Skills
Conjures a magic fountain of healing that heals allies in range.
Life Fountain
A useful skill to raise a hero to maximum health for a period of time.
Last StandPassive Skills
Channel divine energies, increasing all healing, both received and delivered, becoming a beacon of support.
A descendent of the mountain dwarves, Thorne Nightstrike, was born into a long line of miners who later became assassins battling against evil. In Last Hope, he learned the skills of the assassin from the age of 9. Thorne was trained to stealthily scale buildings and slip out of the shadows to strike down unsuspecting enemies. His father always knew he would become a great assassin. Even from a young age he had the dexterity and guile to beat even the biggest of opponents. As a teenager, he soon mastered poisoning and fighting with two weapons in hand. He was following in the brave footsteps of his dwarven ancestors who fought at the Battle of Agnasias.
A master of deception, with charm or steely cold, he drains the life away from his victims. Beneath his cheeky smile is a deadly assassin. Master of the smoke bomb, he can cast this missile and then quickly strike.
His goal is to rid the world of as many of Oblivion’s dark army as possible. He dreams of the idyllic Dwarven communities that once existed long before he was born. Those days were told in song and verse in taverns of drunken dwarves. He can drink any person or humanoid under the table and still strike like lightning.
Active Skills
Throws a potent smoke bomb to confuse and disrupt enemies.
Thorin is a Dwarven Archer and Commander who rose through the ranks of soldier dom. He has fought many campaigns in his time. His knowledge of war history and strategy is impeccable and he can change the fate of battles with his archer formations.
In the heat of the fight, Thorin the Marksman has an Epic set of powers including Heal Block, Mark Of The Hunt, Rain of Arrows, Shields Up and Meat Shield. His troops love him dearly for he is one of the bravest dwarves one could ever meet.
Thorin is a great lover of the opposite sex and has never married. He is attracted to all races Elven, Dwarven, Human and Orc. However, his tendency to flirt and date many ladies has often led to tavern fights with jealous exs. Engaging in a tavern brawl with Thorin is not advisable for his fists are as dangerous as his archery skills. One punch and he can often floor an opponent.
Active Skills
Shoots a cursed arrow at the enemy, that blows up casting an magical curse on all enemies in range.
Heal Block
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the HuntUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Raise your defenses, fortifying your resilience with a 5-15% increase in Defense, making you a formidable fortress on the battlefield
Shields Up
Become an unyielding bastion of health with boost to your HP, ensuring you can endure even the most brutal assaults.
Male Elven Mage, Thandor Sunfire is a master of the arcane arts. His Deadly Arts foil many enemies as do his Polymorphy and Lava Floor spells. Sunfire by name, due to his ability to draw on the power of the sun to raise the energy needed for spellcasting. Some mages harness the power of the moon and some the sun, but Thandor is definitely the latter.
As mercenary Mage, gold is what dictates where and when and with who he fights. He is not choosy who he fights with as long as they are on the side of the forces of light. He particularly enjoys burning the Dalvan vampires into ashes for they are his sworn enemy. His school friends were all massacred many years ago by a party of vampires. This tragic and horrific event drove to Thandor to study magic and use it for combat and victory.
Thandor is a dark and moody soul. He has few friends and many enemies. His knowledge of the occult is impressive and he dreams of one day becoming a master of demons and necromancy. However, that magical path is not appropriate for his current lifestyle in Last Hope. It is not that he is drawn to evil, it is more his thirst for knowledge of both good and bad in the world of Ventuna. He had a vision of the MayinHara as a young boy and was called later in life to the art of magic. Gaia Ventuna is his muse and protector.
Active Skills
Creates burning, molten lava on the floor to wound any enemies in range.
Lava Floor
Magically and hilariously turns an enemy into a harmless animal!
PolymorphPassive Skill
Extend the duration of your skill effects, granting you a longer window of tactical advantage.
Deadly Arts
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