The glorious Gavriel is from the Last Guards Era of MayinHara, the final wave of their kind to come to Ventuna. Gavriel of the Jeela Tribe is a master Warrior who honours the Water Dragons and the element of water. Drumming and singing on the new and full moons is Gavriel’s love. This immortal also performs an ecstatic dance that goes back to ancient times each morning before sunrise.
Gavriel’s prowess as a future warrior was clear from a very young age when this stalwart MayinHara defeated a much older youth in a playground fight. Warrior training was the happiest time for Gavriel and in current times it trains no less than 5 hours a day when not in battle.
This MayinHara is a master calligrapher and illustrates beautiful sacred writings that glorify the Water Dragons and their legacy. The Dragons of MayinHara once travelled the rifts through to Ventuna but nowadays they stay firmly on the homeworld.
With powers of Whirlwind, Charge, Strong Leap, Earth Shatter, Empower, Ready for Action and Skilled Up, Gavriel is a terrifying force in combat.
Active Skills
Allows you to do a might charge forward, smashing and obliterating any enemies!
Take a giant leap into the air and slam down, punishing enemies in range and stunning them.
Strong Leap
The raging whirlwind spins on the spot and allows the hero to extend their weapon to slash at nearby enemies.
WhirlwindUltimate Skill
Smashes their weapon to the ground and creates a tumultuous earthquake with all its might!
Earth ShatterPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Stay primed for battle, increasing your Attack strength, ensuring every strike hits harder.
Ready for Action
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Luminar came to Ventuna in the 5th Era of the MayinHara. In this era, the wizards and warlocks of Ventuna had travelled through the rift into the MayinHara world. In this Beacons of Light era they learned that there were 5 tribes and 5 regions in MayinHara:
● The Tamburian Tribe ● The Talam Tribe ● The Nilchee Tribe ● The Jeela Tribe ● The Ithara Tribe
Luminar was of the Nilchee tribe and served the Air Dragons of Nilchee. The Nilchee were ruled by the element of air and were highly trained archers. Nilchee would rise before dawn and salute the skies in a graceful Tai Chi-like movement with circular breathing and deep trance. To honour nature and his ancestor Air Dragons, he would offer a feather to the skies and chant an ancient invocation that MayinHaras of the Nilchee tribe recited.
Also, Luminar is a master of a flute-like instrument that came from the world of MayinHara. When it is played the animals, birds and fish stop to listen. It is as if the Gods and Goddesses themselves have come down from heaven to enchant the world.
Truly, Luminar’s powers are immense with Head Shot, Mark of the Hunt, Power Piercing, Rain of Arrows, Empower, Deadly and Skilled Up. Wearing the characteristic armour of the MayinHara, Luminar is a shining sight to behold on the battlefield!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The sacred Thalosian is a MayaHara Cleric of the Era of First Hope. It was born in the Ithara Tribe who are ruled by the element of ether. These MayinHara traditionally train as clerics. Ether is the spiritual element worshipped by the Ithara Tribe of Clerics. At 16 years old, Thalosian began its clerical training and was sent to serve another of the tribes as is the tradition. In this way, the classes of each tribe are a mixture of clerics, archers, warriors, mages and tanks to balance out the skills and abilities.
As an Ithara tribal member, Thalosian worships the ancient Ether dragons and the element of ether with a traditional ritual from its world. Each night it lights a candle and then blows the essence of the flame to the skies above. Thalosian chants ancient prayers to the Ether Dragons who created it and its race. This celestial cleric sings and chants all night on each new and full moon.
Thalosian’s powers as a Cleric MayinHara of the Ithara tribe include Life Fountain, Gaia’s Gift, Revive, Blessed Rain, Holy Conduit, Empower and Skilled Up.
Active Skills
A cunning incantation that takes it's power from the Earth to heal a single ally.
Gaia’s Gift
Prevents the target from dying for a certain amount of time.
Conjures a magic fountain of healing that heals allies in range.
Life FountainUltimate Skill
Calls forth the healing rain that heals all heroes and cleanses them of their suffering.
Blessed RainPassive Skills
Channel divine energies, increasing all healing, both received and delivered, becoming a beacon of support.
Holy Conduit
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
A MayinHara of the Last Guard, Elurion is a swift archer who fires arrows with lightning speed. An efficient hunter in the world of MayinHara, on Ventuna Elurion will track and kill a moose or bear for hundreds of miles. Then before eating the meat raw, Elurion offers the prey up to the dragons of time and space. Honouring the Great Ones. i.e. the Dragons who gave ‘thought-birth’ to all MayinHara from light, is a custom for all MayinHara.
Elurion loves to honour the Great Spirit of life through composing songs and poems. Hearing Elurion sing to the rising sun is a magical thing. It also plays a guitar-type instrument when performing songs of old to other MayinHara. Singing and poetry are sacred in their culture and if one of them sings or recites a poem, all will listen.
Elurion’s powers as an archer include Head Shot, Mark of the Hunt, Power Piercing Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Empower, Deadly Strikes and Skilled Up. Elurion’s beautiful armour shines with glory as Elurion charges into battle with a flurry of arrows. This is a hardy MayinHara archer who will fight fiercely in battle!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The battle ready Warrior Raphionis is from the Judgement Bearers Era of MayinHaras. A fierce warrior of great repute. Meditating below a waterfall in a deep state of trance is where you will often find the MayinHara Raphionis. This being’s movement is fluid like water twisting and dancing through time to avoid attacks and unleash slaughter upon enemies!
Honouring the Water Dragons is central to the way of Raphionis. To remember their sacred form, Raphionis spends hours painting their forms using oil paints and watercolours. With a gallery of artwork devoted to the Water Dragons, Raphionis is the ultimate warrior artist. Skilled with the blade and the brush.
Raphionis prefers simple worship by washing a shrine of stones with fresh spring water and then meditating before it each sunrise and sunset. Silence is the way of this MayinHara rather than singing, chanting or playing an instrument.
Raphionis is a strong swimmer and has been known to swim over 200 miles in one day which is beyond the comprehension of any being on Ventuna. The powers of the powerful Raphionis include Whirlwind, Charge, Strong Leap, Earth Shatter, Empower, Ready for Action and Skilled Up
Active Skills
Allows you to do a might charge forward, smashing and obliterating any enemies!
Take a giant leap into the air and slam down, punishing enemies in range and stunning them.
Strong Leap
The raging whirlwind spins on the spot and allows the hero to extend their weapon to slash at nearby enemies.
WhirlwindUltimate Skill
Smashes their weapon to the ground and creates a tumultuous earthquake with all its might!
Earth ShatterPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Stay primed for battle, increasing your Attack strength, ensuring every strike hits harder.
Ready for Action
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Magic user Icarion is a mighty MayinHara Mage who came in the Final Era of the MayinHara travelling through the rift from MayinHara to Ventuna. It was during this period that a permanent gateway was formed between the worlds.
Like other members of the Tamburian Tribe Icarion worships the element of fire and the Fire Dragons of the home world. As is the custom, all of these Tamburian MayinHara trained as mages. Worshipping the fire is central to Icarion’s existence. Like each member of the Tamburian tribe, Icarion always thanks the fire with their age-old chant,
“Thank the fire for protection,
Thank the fire for transformation,
Thank the fire for warmth,
Thank the fire for lifting the veils of illusion!
We are fire and to the eternal fire we will return!”
Athletics and running are Icarion’s first love after magic and battle. Every day that Icarion is not on a quest, you will see this radiant MayinHara running 6000 km across the deserts and plains for fun. Icarion also enjoys throwing javelins as a pastime.
Icarion’s powers as a Mage of Fire are Fireball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up and Ready For Action
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The stalwart Sariath is a proud member of the Nilchee tribe and quite unlike other members of the Nilchee tribe because it is chatty. This is not the norm for MayinHara as they tend to be measured in their interactions.
As a member of the Nilchee tribe, its movement and association are influenced by the element of air. Air is sacred above all to the Nilchee. In its bed chamber, Sariath has a collection of eagle and falcon talons from dead birds. They are part of a shrine of feathers and gemstones to celebrate the spirit of life.
Sariath honours the element of air at sunrise and sunset. It lights a fire to salute the moon before it goes to bed and at dawn to salute the morning. The cycles of the sun and moon are sacred to MayinHara.Sariath does not sing to honour the spirit of life, but it dances on the new and full moons in a hypnotic ritual which its tribe has followed for centuries.
In battle, Sariath’s majestic powers are Head Shot, Mark of the Hunt, Power Piercing Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Empower, Deadly Strikes and Skilled Up. With the gallant armour of the Nilchee, Sariath looks formidable in the heat of combat. A mystical immortal soldier of the world of MayinHara!
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
A MayinHara of the Last Guards Era and devoted member of the Tamburian tribes of Mages, Etheron is a deep and moody character. When not fighting, Etheron loved to listen to classical music and enchanting vocals of mystical races of both worlds. Listening to music, Etheron enters a state of bliss and calm. Woe betide anyone who interrupts Etheron musical ‘me time’, for this grumpy character scolds everyone regardless of rank for intruding on its space.
As a Tamburian Mage, Etheron loves to meditate on fire and flame. The longest time Etheron has sat staring into a campfire is 4 days. In that time, Etheron forgot worldly existence and travelled on an inner journey into spirit. Witnessing many beautiful visions of the Fire Dragons of the homeworld of MayinHara, Etheron sat deep in a trance with tears streaming from its eyes.
Etheron prefers simple and basic worship of the Fire Dragons and the element of fire. Being in harmony with nature is what matters most to Etheron. Anything elaborate or ostentatious is shunned by this frugal-living MayinHara who eats little, speaks little and is conservative in its movements in battle. At the prime moment in combat, Etheron will unleash its powers of Fireball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up and Ready For Action.
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Aurion the Mage is an intrepid Tamburian MayinHara who loves to travel underground. Exploring cave systems and deep dark tunnels is its joy. A being of simple tastes in life, sitting in the dark with a wood campfire is Aurion’s idea of bliss. It worships the spirit of the Fire Dragons of MayinHara. They are a leading light in the chaos of the Ventunan wars.
Aurion didn’t show an aptitude for magic at first. In fact, Aurion seemed to reject the path of arcana believing instead in earthly science. However, an event one day changed its life forever. Aurion was walking in forests on the MayinHara world when an arc of light shot across the sky. Startled, Aurion looked again to check that it was not a trick of the light. At a second glance, Aurion witnessed a glowing ball of light. Upon closer inspection, Aurion realised that they were a group of flying fairies casting a spell to illuminate their way through the dark forest. From that moment everything changed and Aurion became a devoted student of magic and sorcery.
Aurian came to Ventuna through the rift in the Judgement Bearers Era of MayinHaras from within the pillars of light. The battle was fierce and furious as the brave MayinHara slaughtered countless thousands of Oblivion’s putrid forces.
Aurion’s powers include Fireball, Dragon Breath, Lava Floor, Fire Dragon, Empower, Skilled Up, and Ready for Action.
Active Skills
Takes aim and unleashes a deadly arrow that smashes into an enemy's skull.
Head Shot
A rapid and devastating attack which shoots each enemy once.
Mark of the Hunt
Charges a powerful shot from the bow, releasing the arrow with explosive damage.
Power Piercing ArrowUltimate Skill
Shoots magic arrows high into the sky that then turn and fall onto enemies.
Rain of ArrowsPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
The vigorous Warrior Valeran came to Ventuna through the rift in the Bringers of Day Era. It is a formidable Warrior dedicated to combat. Like all MayinHara warriors, Valeran was born into the Jeela Tribe which is ruled by the element of water. The Jeela Tribe MayinHara train as warriors and hold sacred the Water Dragons of their homeworld.
Without a doubt, Valeran is a great storyteller and its magnificent tales of the ancient Water Dragons keep listeners enthralled. When not fighting, it will sit and spin glorious tales to entertain children and adults of all races.
Also, Valeran worships the tides and the cycles of the moon that moves the seas. Each new and full moon Valeran will sing a special song that honours the oceans, rivers and streams.
Valeran is also a lover of athletics and competitive sports. With its tribe, it would often take part in javelin-throwing competitions. The distance the Jeela can throw a javelin astonishes humans; it is like the feat of a living God!
Its powers include Whirlwind, Charge, Strong Leap, Earth Shatter, Empower, Ready for Action and Skilled Up.
Active Skills
Allows you to do a might charge forward, smashing and obliterating any enemies!
Take a giant leap into the air and slam down, punishing enemies in range and stunning them.
Strong Leap
The raging whirlwind spins on the spot and allows the hero to extend their weapon to slash at nearby enemies.
WhirlwindUltimate Skill
Smashes their weapon to the ground and creates a tumultuous earthquake with all its might!
Earth ShatterPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Stay primed for battle, increasing your Attack strength, ensuring every strike hits harder.
Ready for Action
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Skilled Up
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