Lieutenant (Rare)

Orc Warrior and nicknamed The Bloodthirsty because in combat she tears enemies limb from limb.

Leaping to the air, Earth shatter sends evil flying and Deadly Strike to finish her poor, unsuspecting opposition. She loves nothing better than splattering the blood of her foe across the four corners of Ventuna. She is a natural born killer.

When she isn’t slaughtering fiends, she loves to play violin and sing mournful ballads. Her love of music and verse is unsurpassed. Her exquisite violin playing echoes through the alleyways of Last Hope as she furiously fiddles away. 

A tragic childhood experience made her the warrior she is today. A group of Dragonminore surprised her family outside of the domed city. They had risked a picnic to the woods on the outskirts of Last Hope thinking it would be safe as there had been no enemy sighting in months. However, a party of blood magic, conjured half-dragon, half-humanoid had taken her parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins hostage. They toyed with them at first but once they were bored, they murdered everyone last one of them. 25 people died that day and only Ozga escaped with no living relative left alive. This is what made her The Bloodthirsty; she reeks revenge on all dark ones.

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Lieutenant (Rare)

Elven Warrior, Lyria is a deadly fighter named The Elven Blade for the ferocity and speed with which she slaughters the enemy. Watch her charge and deploy Earth Shatter to send her foe flying before she ends them with her sword or other bladed weapon. She also has the powers of Charge, Shields Up and Holy Conduit to face her enemies with. 

Lyria is another descendent of the Crystal Elves and her eyes are so beautiful. They shine with a deep and serene light, aka The Light of Knowing, that the bloodline of the Crystal ones have.

Her dream is to help defeat Oblivion and one day move to the Crystal caves of her ancestors. For now, she lives in Last Hope but she is a solitude seeker when not on missions. She would gladly swap the hustle and bustle of the domed city for the quiet solace of the famous Elven Crystal caves.

Her childhood was spent doing daily sword and weapon training. It was no fluke that she became a celebrated fighter. Each day she would train relentlessly for 12 hours, 7 days a week until she became the best of the best. Her dedication to the path of the warrior is what makes her such a frightening and efficient opponent.

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Mercenary (Common)

Lyndor Moonblade is a male Elven warrior and mercenary. His love of battle is second only to his love of pub games. When he isn’t fighting like a beast in dungeons and elsewhere, he loves to quaff ale and play darts, cards and other tavern songs. He also has the voice of an angel and often will serenade regulars at Last Hope’s taverns. His reputation for singing and fighting gained him the name Moonblade for he once sang all night in the light of the moon having defeated 5 Dragonminore alone. His feat is well known in Last Hope.

Like many of Elven kind his longing to return to his ancestral home of the Northern Elven forests is a painful struggle. He has only heard stories of the sacred forest but dreams of one day living there with a wife and children. For now he remains a bachelor fighting in the many wars of Ventuna. If he lives to see a peaceful Ventuna, one day he may realise his vision!

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Commander (Epic)

Assassin and Commander, Lucius is an exemplary raider of enemy positions, hence his title as Marauder. He delivers hell with his troops and has the powers of Fatal Strike, Vanish, Acid Bomb, Hardiness and Shields Up.

Although human, his favourite race are the Orcs for he admires their courage and loyalty on the battlefield. Likewise he commands the respect of most Orcs and his tankard will always be refilled if Orcs are in the same tavern as him. They love Lucius for he truly understands the Orc mentality.

As a boy, he was not interested in education or sports, and his favourite thing was to fly his kite on the hills around Last Hope. Kite flying gave him a sense of peace and wonder as he stared into the skies of Ventuna. 

Lucius is a highly proficient assassin whose ability to kill is second to none. He uses his stealth and fatal combat moves to end his foes swiftly and efficiently. When he isn’t fighting, he still loves to fly his kite with his sons and daughters.

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Lieutenant (Rare)

Orc Mage and benevolent servant of Gaia, Lorkan The Conjurer has frighteningly powerful magic such as Dragon Breath and Fire Dragon spells. On the battlefield he stands strong against the forces of darkness. His ancestors were mountain dwellers and he longs to reside in the mountains one day when Oblivion is a forgotten memory in the chapters of Ventunan history.

Lorkan first discovered his magical ability when he fell over a cliff and hung from a tree branch for 3 days until he was rescued. During the 3 days rain and wind battered his shivering frame and he turned inwards to meditate. With his eyes shut and clinging to the branch with a 200 foot drop below, a voice within spoke to him, “Lorkan The Conjurer, rise up my child and use your inner magic to free the world of evil. I am the ancient Orc Goddess who was slain but now reborn. The Orc prophecy is that the Orcs of Ventuna shall be the torch bearers of peace and culture one day.  They will build a society of knowledge and learning following the fall of Oblivion and his minions. The Orcs shall forge a new empire of unity, technological advances and art!”

When Lorkan is not fighting, he loves to fish in rivers or by the sea. The biggest fish he ever caught was 4 feet long and it fed 20 people! Lorkan is a fishing legend.

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Lieutenant (Rare)

Lora is a Dwarven Cleric known as the Lightbearer for she shines with the light of the Gods and Goddesses of Ventuna. She says her prayers to Gaia Ventuna at every sunrise and sunset. Lora is a priestess of the Temple of Gaia. Her personal mission is to free all bonded people who have been brainwashed by the evil Church of the One. 

The members of her guild gratefully appreciate her healing arts and her ability to revive in battle and call the Blessed Rain. She is also a lover of ale and song. After long campaigns outside the city to fight monsters, Lora will be found in one of the many Last Hope taverns. She loves to sing old ballads about adventures, victories and lost comrades while quaffing Dwarven ale. Her voice is like that of an  angel and she is famous in the taverns for lighting the hearts of young and old with her singing. 

In battle her powers include Revive, Blessed Rain, Empower and Clarity. She fights for the guild and stands together with her comrades fighting to her last breath. A true Dwarven heroine with the courage of a 1000 people combined.

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Commander (Epic)

Lila is a Dwarven Tank with kick arse stamina. Any enemy stupid enough to stand in her path will be bowled over like a ten pin! See her fly into battle using Taunt, Grapple, Glory Roar, Shields Up and Reflective Aura. This is the tank every Guild wants in its ranks.

Commander Lila is an Epic hero whose title The Defender is no exaggeration. She has led countless quests into enemy territory and slain a boat load of dark ones. Lila wasn’t always such a feisty warrior. In fact, she entered The Temple of Gaia as a nun in her youth. Her daily life then was studying fables of the MayinHara and learning the philosophy of the eight-pointed star. However, her hunger for adventure drove her to leave the ascetic life and enrol in the military. She soon became the fearless and terrifying tank that she is today. 

Buckle up, grab your sword and shield and get ready to enter the dungeons and darkness of Oblivion’s foul world. Lila will clear the way as she fights onwards and upwards!

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Mercenary (Common)

This female Cleric is a mercenary and lightbringer for the people of Last Hope. In combat Lena uses Gaia’s Gift, Cure and Shield’s Up to march forth to victory and support her guild. She is adept with her weapon and smashes enemies. But to friends and allies she is a magical healer. 

Lena Lightbloom was born in Last Hope to human parents, but her mother died in childbirth and she was left to be raised by her grandparents while her father went to war. An inquisitive child, Lena would spend hours in the parks and gardens of Last Hope playing with insects, birds and other creatures. She became one with nature and it lit an inner beacon of natural healing which was the foundation of her Cleric studies.

At the age of 7, she was walking through the gardens near the palace when she suddenly stopped. Sitting down crossed legged, she suddenly entered into a deep meditative state. A shining light emanated from her. After that people in Last Hope named her Lightbloom as she shone with the inner light.

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Commander (Epic)

Commander Kana is an Orc Mage whose knowledge of magic is quite incredible. Having studied arcana for many years, she is an expert on the occult, sorcery and magic spells in general. In battle, she unleashes Lava Floor, Polymorph, Fire Dragon, Nerves of Steel and Deadly Arts to smash the life force out of enemies of Last Hope. She is a committed servant of the realm and a truly formidable Mage. 

Her obsession with magic began during her school years when she discovered how to summon fire from the ether. Her school teacher was shocked as she accidentally burned her wooden desk to a cinder. The Orcs in her tribe then realised she needed to be properly trained to maintain control of her inherent powers. 

One of Kana’s magical tools is her amber talisman which she uses as an artefact to shape her spells to manifest into the earth plane. The amber talisman was forged by an elderly Orc Mage called Kumkata the Gruff, a grumpy old wizard who had little patience for anything non-magical. 

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Mercenary (Common)

Jennia Pyrefist is a Dwarven Mage and famous for her magical ability with arcane fire. Enemies tremble as she launches Fireballs into the mele and Dragon Breath that burns them to a cinder! 

Jennia is from a long line of Dwarves skilled in blacksmithing and jewellery making. She has been making her own weapons since she was a teen. She also sells her weapons and jewellery to citizens of Last Hope when she is not out in the lands beyond the dome. 

Her family has a long lineage of being Dwarven Mages. They belong to the Order of the Dwarven Firefists. This secretive order has trained and raised countless Mages to join the fight for Ventuna. But as Dwarven mercenaries, they dance to the tune of gold coins! They are no angels. 

Jennia loves to swim in the rivers and seas of Ventuna despite the danger of leaving the safety of the magic dome. She has escaped some deadly encounters in the past after being spotted by the dark ones roaming the lands beyond the dome.

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