Heroes Chained introduces “Play & Earn” as an alternative to “Play to Earn”

We use the term ‘Game First’ because we were gamers before we were blockchainers. We still are. In fact, we’d like our fellow gamers to really want to play our game. And we know without a state-of-the-art gaming experience, they won’t want to play. For that very reason, we developed Heroes Chained, a fully immersive and magical fantasy game that’s fun to play. A game world that players truly want to belong to; a Metaverse linked to other Metaverses, an organic economy. This is our ethos! The Quest is Upon Us!

Psychology tells us that play-to-earn is doomed to fail because it harms the fun part. So even if the game is fun, those who play to earn, will no longer have fun. How do you sustain paying those gamers? They will stop playing if you stop paying.

Heroes Chained is a manifestation of our thesis on web3 gaming: We don’t develop Play To Earn, we develop Play And Earn; and the difference is game changing. In Play & Earn Web3 is an option to our gamers, where they can enjoy self-custody, censorship-resistance, free ownership, p2p trade, and zero-knowledge privacy. Some will choose that option while some others will keep the conventional game play.

We believe Play & Earn will be a new distinct class of its own as a revolution against Play To Earn. The new GameFi projects that focus on game experience first will classify and announce themselves in this group. We may see games move from “P2E” to “P&E” and maybe see the term P2E dissolve in or evolve to P&E, eventually.

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