Conqueror (Legendary)

Warrior and Swordmaster Arthur wields his blade as a legendary conqueror of darkness. Born to fight for truth and valour, Arthur is the most disciplined knight of his Order of Warriors. They fight as one dedicated to preserving the honour of Gaia Ventuna and restoring the world to peace and unity. 

Arthur was born an orphan like many heroes of the City of Last Hope. For so many parents had died fighting outside of the wall to stop the demonic armies. None could breach the magical dome that Savage Ventuna and Serin Tandora had magically weaved so many years before. For if this occurred, Last Hope would fall and with the last of civilisation. Arthur knew this and therefore guarded the city with his life.  

Arthur fights like a noble knight of old with a Whirlwind, Charge and Cleave to break his enemies. He sends his opponents to the ground with Earth Shatter and stands triumphant with Empower and Ready for Action. 

Nobility is a rare quality and Arthur has a noble and pure spirit. He has never taken a wife for his devotion to protecting the realm of Ventuna is like the sacrifice of a holy man or woman.

Active Skills

Ultimate Skill

Passive Skills


Conqueror (Legendary)

Blessed Cleric with healing arts and fighting talents from Gaia Ventuna, Goddess of the world, Aria is a legendary character. She joined the Order of Ventunan Clerics at the age of 5. This human order of clerics had lived for centuries in a cliffside building carved into the rock with a myriad of cave tunnels to the different levels of the building. It was the perfect dwelling for meditation and introspection as they honed their clerical arcana. 

From a baby she had shown to her parents that she had the magic gifts of a future sacred cleric. As a toddler, her little hands emanated a celestial healing energy that healed those she touched. Rising up the orders, she also became a conqueror among heroes as a skilled fighter. Aria the Celestial Guardian obliterates the forces of evil with her many fierce and enigmatic powers. 

In battle her legendary powers are tantalising with Life Fountain, Gaia’s Gift, Revive, Blessed Rain, Holy Conduit and Empower. This is the Cleric you want at your back as you march into battle! Her faith in healing is equaled by her fury in the middle of battle.

Active Skills

Ultimate Skill

Passive Skills


Recruit (Starter)

Agnes Fieryfall is a human Mage born in the slums of Ventuna’s Last Hope city. Sadly, her parents died when she was young from a terrible fever that killed many folk in the poorest areas. Agnes was the descendent of a brave warrior who fought on Mount Agnasias.

One day a Lord of Ventuna was riding through her area and he took pity on Agnes and gave her money. Something passed between them, a magical energy. The noble knew then that she was born with arcane powers. He soon consulted a Mage school in Last Hope and little orphan Agnes was enrolled into the school. She loved her magical studies and soon grew to be a powerful mage. 

Agnes never lost the humble nature that she gained from growing up in the slums. She was a woman of simple taste and never made a show of wealth. She would give out money to feed the poor and needy. She also funded  her own orphanage. In contrast, in battle she is a fearsome Mage who burns her foes to the ground with her fireball spell.  

Agnes seeks to end poverty across Last Hope and open her own school of magic one day to train orphans and poor children. 

Active Skills

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