Mercenary (Common)

Elven male Tank, Faelin is a wiley character with the cunning of a fox in his battle tactics. Fearless and brave, Faelin is Swiftguard by name and by nature. Truly, he is the first to run into battle to slow down the attack of oncoming troops. 

Enemies are sent flying in different directions with his Shock Wave and Grapple. A prime Meat Shield whose hunger for combat is truly inspiring. You can count on Faelin to thunder into combat and take the brunt of an attack to give all other guild members the chance to fight back. 

Faelin is a master of cookery. This Elven Tank enjoys nothing more than cooking the most delicious of Elven recipes. He has also learned the art of Dwarven, Orc and Human cuisine. His table manners are exquisite and if you don’t observe etiquette when eating at his house, he will give you a gentle slap to get you back on track. 

His ancestral home are the Crystal Caves below the Northern Elven forests. He dreams of one day when the war is over of settling there and opening his own restaurant for all of his many friends. 

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Lieutenant (Rare)

Elaris is an Elf of few words. Since childhood he has always preferred to watch and observe, rarely saying anything. He has the poise of a lynx and the calculated ferocity of a black panther. He waits quietly until his prey is close by and then he unleashes hell from his bow.  His skills and powers include Mark of the Hunt, Rain of Arrows, Deadly Strikes and Vampiric.

Elaris is an archer to be feared for his accuracy with a bow is unrivalled. In the Northern Elven forests, as a boy he would disappear deep into the woods as a boy for days on end. Sometimes he would sit in deep meditation, other times he would track an animal for days for the buzz of the hunt. Then after killing it, he would roast the carcass over a wood fire and then fall asleep happily with a full belly. 

He is a true man of the forest. He loves nothing more than to feel the gentle breeze on his cheek and the melodies of bird song and the cry of the vixen at night. As a lover of naturer, he channels his devotion into painting nature mandalas that are wondrous and magical. He sells them as a second income!

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Mercenary (Common)

Elara Steelheart is a human Warrior who leaps into combat like a whirlwind. Her name Steelheart is symbolic of her solid bravery in battle. As a mercenary she loves coins and will always fight for the highest bidder, but never with the forces of evil. Watch as she Cleaves, goes into a Whirlwind and decimates the mightiest of foe.

Elara grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Last Hope. Her childhood was spent feeding cows, sheep and pigs and planting out crops with her mother and father. Her love of nature has stayed with her into adulthood and when she is not out fighting for money, she has her own smallholding where she grows vegetables, flowers and tobacco. Selling her produce supplements her income and allows her green fingers the chance to do their magic!

Elara is a solitary person when not in battle. She can go weeks without seeing people if she isn’t selling her products in the markets of Last Hope. She loves silence and solitude as it puts her into the zone of calm in a world of chaos and horror.

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Recruit (Starter)

Durok Brightfang was born into a tribe of proud orcs. He showed signs of being called by the celestials from a very young age. At that time, Durok had visions of the Orc Goddess. It was clear that his path would be that of the cleric. Subsequently, he joined a sacred order of Orc clerics at the age of 10 and learned the art of healing and other cleric spells. Durok’s heritage is  heroic; his ancestors fought Oblivion and died on Mount Agnasias.

Overall, Durok’s temper is well balanced by an equally calm and compassionate manner. When tending to the sick and wounded, he is like an angel walking the earth. But any enemies that cross his path, he smashes them into the dust! He has remarkable focus in battle when faced by an onslaught of enemies. Durok quickly summons his magic to destroy monsters. 

His sole purpose is to serve the Orc Goddess who is aligned to the Great Goddess Gaia Ventuna. His non-combat mission is to care for the poor, sick and wounded and to carry out charitable acts. When fighting, his goal is to kill all of Oblivion’s soldiers and send them to hell with a mace or sword in their skull! 

Active Skills


Lieutenant (Rare)

Durin is a Dwarven Tank built like a mini-mountain of strength. Like most dwarves he can see in the dark and loves to drink ale and go mining. Opportunities to mine are severely limited by the armies of darkness beyond the dome of Last Hope. However, he has led parties of miners to the mines beyond the dome to gather vital resources such as coal, tin, copper and diamonds. When he is not guarding mining parties, his main role is as a Dwarven tank. 

His nickname The Guardian comes from the protection he offers all that he serves with in battles against the dark ones. In the event of a surprise attack Durin will throw himself to the front to absorb the onslaught of the attacks. With Shields Up and a Glory Roar, this dynamic tank can send the enemy flying in all directions as he hammers them into submission.

When he was a boy, all he wanted to do was be a soldier to fight for justice and to reclaim the land from the evil ones. When he is not fighting, he loves to paint watercolour paintings of the lands he can see from the towers of Last Hope. His prowess as an artist is famous in Ventuna and his paintings sell for many a gold coin!

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Lieutenant (Rare)

Daris The Bulwark is a meatshield Tank who ploughs into battle with the courage of a 100 warriors. Hear his Glory Roar as he pummels enemies to dust knocking them sideways with his Shield Swipe. Darius is a favourite ally of many Last Hope heroes for he is fearless in his endeavours to smash the darkness of Oblivion’s armies.

As a young boy, Darius was a feeble and weak child. His parents thought he would never be able to join the battle for Ventuna due to his puny build. But then at the age of 12, he started to shoot up. Daily weight lifting and eating eggs and chicken helped him grow into a gargantuan warrior of a man. His frame was like that of a giant wrestler by the age of 18. He could pick up enemies by the scruff of the neck and throw them to the ground knocking them out cold. 

When he is not fighting the demonic hordes, he likes nothing more than to play Tiddlywinks in the taverns of Last Hope while sinking countless tankards of ale. His appetite for the fairer sex means that he has had many midnight encounters with the barmaids of Ventuna. His ability as a tank is matched by his playboy antics off the battlefield!

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Mercenary (Common)

Daela Ironbow is a proficient Dwavern Archer who loves to hunt and fish. She grew up by the shores of a lake and fishing was part of her life from the age of 3. She would accompany her father on fishing trips across the lake. 

Later on she was taught how to create a bow from ash wood. By 7 she was roaming the forests hunting for wild boar, deer and rabbits with her father, mother, brother and sisters. In her Dwarven clan, if you didn’t know how to hunt or fish, then you would end up learning how to cook food. She hated staying indoors for long periods, so hunting became her one love. 

In battle Daela hammers the enemy with her Deadly Arts, Exploding Arrow and Mark of the Hunt. She is the ideal team member to pick off Oblivion forces while the Tanks press forward heading the attack.

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Commander (Epic)

Magic is the sole focus of Borin the Dwarven Mage. Commander Borin is called the Arcanist because he has little inclination to focus on other matters. When he isn’t on a mission using his powers of Dragon Breath, Blink, Fire Dragon, Shield’s Up and Rooted, Borin is back in his luxurious rooms studying arcane spells from the countless scrolls he has acquired over decades. 

His magical aptitude first became noticed when he was only 5 years old. He saw a frog falling through the air, having been dropped by a crow. Without thinking, Borin summoned an inner power to hold the frog in mid-air, then lowering it safely to the ground. All around were deeply shocked that one so young had such a natural ability with magic. Soon after word spread to the most astute wizards, warlocks and sorcerers in Last Hope and young Borin was drafted into an Order of Mages.

The only non-magical interest Borin has is painting the walls of his apartment. He regularly changes the colours of his home, preferring bright colours such as red, orange and yellow in winter and green, yellow and pink in spring and summer. 

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Recruit (Starter)

Benna Swiftaxe is a stocky Dwarven female warrior from a wealthy family. Like many heroes, she is a descendent of the slain heroes on Mount Agnasias. Fighting and wielding swords was not the future her parents envisioned for her. In fact, as a child she was dressed to the nines in very fine silks. Then at the age of 10 she was cornered by a foul beast on the outskirts of the city. By rights she shouldn’t have been outside of Last Hope but she accidentally fell outside of the magic dome. A lurking freak of Oblivion’s armies pounched on her and she instinctively buried her dagger into the creature’s brain. Splattered with blood, she had found her calling. 

Benna Swiftaxe is a violent Dwarven warrior whose ability with any weapon is vicious. Her courage is unsurpassed! She also has the ability to leap strongly into the air, pouncing like a panther, and cutting the jugular of any foe who crosses her path.

At times she displays the refined ways of her upbringing, but in a tavern she swears like a soldier and drinks till dawn. Her simple goal is to smash Oblivion’s foul monsters. ‘Kill kill kill’ is her mantra. She loves to paint pictures of her victories after slaying beasts. Eek! She is a scary lady! 

Active Skills


Commander (Epic)

This human female archer is an epic hero whose prowess with a bow is remarkable. Commander Astrid has the eyes of a hawk; she can shoot a foe from long distance within only seconds of aiming.

In the fury of a fight, Commander Astrid will unleash the Sharpshot, Power Piercing Arrow, Head Shot, Rain of Arrows, Ready for Action and Cunning. She has a plethora of Epic abilities to bring to any battle. Astrid is a lethal archer that any guild would welcome.

As a young girl, she was attacked by a monstrous flying creation of Oblivion. To this day, no one knows what the creature was but she fell from its claws into a deep well. She broke both her legs and could not move. The pain knocked her unconscious and 3 days later she was found and rescued by villagers. That brutal experience gave her a tenacity to train as a soldier. She became one of the most steely archers in Last Hope.

The whistle of her arrow on the wind is the last sound her victims hear before they drop dead…

Active Skills

Ultimate Skill

Passive Skills

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