Commander Thalor is an Elven Cleric and nicknamed The Lightwarden for he is a true man of the Goddess Gaia Ventuna. His holy skills are testament to years of clerical study. In the fury of battle, his calm and balanced nature are a great blessing for those that he leads. His powers include Life Fountain, Revive, Blessed Rain, Holy Conduit and Skilled Up.
Thalor is an Elf who has an unusual mixture of heritage. His mother grew up in the Crystal Caves and his father the Northern Elven Forest. Both knew how to avoid the danger of passing patrols and instilled in him a love of the forests and a love of crystal and gem lore. It was as a child that he began to meditate on an amethyst crystal. As he stared at its glorious colours, something inside of him awoke. He had a divine vision of a beauteous Elven Goddess that awoke him to remember his calling in this life from a previous incarnation. After that he joined an Order of Clerics and studied the healing arts and cleric combat skills.
As an elf, he is a person of few words, but if you get him talking about holy relics and elven fables he will talk until the cows come home!
Active Skills
Conjures a magic fountain of healing that heals allies in range.
Life Fountain
Prevents the target from dying for a certain amount of time.
ReviveUltimate Skill
Calls forth the healing rain that heals all heroes and cleanses them of their suffering.
Blessed RainPassive Skills
Channel divine energies, increasing all healing, both received and delivered, becoming a beacon of support.
Holy Conduit
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Elven Assassin and Commander, Sylas is a descendant of the Crystal Elves below the Northern Elven forests. Though born in Last Hope, he has travelled and spent time in the Caves of his forefathers. This is a dangerous trip as you have to navigate large swathes of enemy territory where Dalvan vampires, Dragonminore and Ka-lech roam.
Sylas has a blood vendetta against Dalvan the sorcerer himself, for it was Dalvan that killed his first son. Sylas had taken his sons and daughters hunting in a forest outside of the domed city. Scouts had suggested that no enemy forces were nearby, however Dalvan and a group of cultists were roaming the woods looking for herbs and fungi to use in their necromancy rituals. Sylas was too late to prevent Dalvan putting his first son Sylvan to the sword.
Though Sylas is a merciless assassin who trains his assassins in the art of ruthless. In combat he uses his array of powers including Dagger Throw, Smoke Bomb, Acid Bomb, Deadly Strike and Antidotes.
When not on missions, he loves to take his family on picnics to breathe in the fresh air within the safety of Last Hope. He has never chanced hunting outside the dome since that fateful day.
Active Skills
Throws a posioned dagger through the air at unsuspecting enemies.
Dagger Throw
Throws a potent smoke bomb to confuse and disrupt enemies.
Smoke BombUltimate Skill
Throws a flask of dangerous liquid that burns and poisons on touch.
Acid BombPassive Skills
Master the art of precision, increasing your Critical Hit Chance by 10-20%, making every attack a potential game-changer.
Deadly Strikes
Become immune to poisons, rendering venomous attacks ineffective against you.
Sylara is a mystical Elven Cleric who grew up in the Northern Elven forests. Though most goodly races took refuge in Last Hope, some elves lived on in the forests covertly avoiding enemy contact. Sylara was blessed by Gaia and started her Cleric training at the age of 7. In her youth, she loved to play in the forest and meditate on the sounds of the wind, streams and wildlife. It was those formative years that developed her deep relationship with the spirit of Gaia Ventuna. The Goddess called her to embrace her inner abilities as a healer and sacred fighter.
In battle Sylara the Enchanted moves like a wolf as she hunts down enemies. Her magical skills include Gaia’s gifts, Last Stand, Blessed Rain, Skilled Up and Ready For Action.
As a commander she is a stern but fair leader. She will not tolerate a lack of discipline and every hero fighting alongside her must rise before dawn and wash in the river. Being under her command is tough but also a blessing.
Active Skills
A cunning incantation that takes it's power from the Earth to heal a single ally.
Gaia’s Gift
A useful skill to raise a hero to maximum health for a period of time.
Last StandUltimate Skill
Calls forth the healing rain that heals all heroes and cleanses them of their suffering.
Blessed RainPassive Skills
Hone your expertise in your chosen skills, amplifying your Skill Damage unleashing devastating abilities.
Skilled Up
Stay primed for battle, increasing your Attack strength, ensuring every strike hits harder.
Warrior Orc Commander Skar is a Chieftain of great pride and honour. He will gladly lay down his life for his Guild mates. In battle his myriad of powers include Whirlwind, Execution, the devastating Earth Shatter, Meat Shield and Shields Up.
He comes from a tribe of Orcs who were largely peaceful until Oblivion shattered the peace of Ventuna. Many of his ancestors farmed the land and hunted for animals. When the darkness descended on the land, those same folk turned their focus on training to become elite warriors, mages, archers and tanks.
Skar’s greatest moment in combat was when his platoon of 30 fighters was surrounded by 100 Ka-lech. It seemed like certain death would follow as they were seriously outnumbered. However, Skar’s exceptional tactics allowed his platoon to defeat the fearsome Ka-Lech. Still to this day the tale of Commander Skar against the Ka-lech is told in the taverns of Last Hope where he always drinks for free.
Active Skills
The raging whirlwind spins on the spot and allows the hero to extend their weapon to slash at nearby enemies.
It channels all your might into a deadly swing that decimates the enemy!
ExecutionUltimate Skill
Smashes their weapon to the ground and creates a tumultuous earthquake with all its might!
Earth ShatterPassive Skills
Become an unyielding bastion of health with boost to your HP, ensuring you can endure even the most brutal assaults.
Meat Shield
Raise your defenses, fortifying your resilience with a 5-15% increase in Defense, making you a formidable fortress on the battlefield
Seraphina is a dwarven Assassin who lurks in the shadows with blades ready to administer justice to the foul armies of Oblivion. Seraphina The Deadly Shadow has the darkvision of her ancestors which they honed during centuries of work in the mines. Indeed, Seraphina can stand as still as stone in darkness and wait hours until her unsuspecting enemy is within range. Then it is a matter of seconds before her razor sharp daggers, sword or ranged weapons cut the victim down.
As a child she was obsessed with sword fighting and trained with her dwarven father in their village. She would practise until the sun went down, constantly repeating the deadly moves of her future calling. She later became the master of assassins feared greatly by her foe.
With the magic of the eagle and the spirit of the panther, Seraphina is a one woman army! Assassins everywhere speak her name with great reverence for few have mastered their art to the level of Seraphina.
Selene is a power Mage named The Pyromancer due to her devastating fireballs that obliterate enemy forces! She was raised in Last Hope but her ancestors were Crystal Elves like the legend that is Serin Tandora, the co-saviour along with Savage Ventuna.
As a child she first discovered her natural ability to summon fire whilst making a wood fire at home. Struggling to ignite her flint, she suddenly felt a surge of power and flames burst from her fingertips. It was then that her parents named her The Pyromancer. She inherited the magical abilities from the Elves in the caves of Quarm where arcane crystals dwell beneath the earth. The crystals sing across the ether awakening Crystal Elves to their natural magic.
In battle she is a formidable ally as she casts flaming fireballs and invokes fire Dragon magic. Many a foe have been burned to a cinder by Selene. It is said that she is a blood relative of Serin Tandora, but this has not been confirmed by official sources. Her eyes are like shining beacons of wisdom and calm. Her gaze is quite mesmerising. Her powers are formidable with Fireball, Fire Dragon, Empower and Clarity.
Active Skills
Conjures a raging ball of fire and then hurls it ferociously at the enemies.
FireballUltimate Skills
Conjures a fire dragon that engulfs enemies with a deadly fire breath weapon.
Fire DragonPassive Skills
Harness the essence of raw power, boosting your Ultimate skill's destructive potential.
Achieve mental clarity, reducing your casting time allowing you to act swiftly in critical moments.
Selen Swiftshade is from a long lineage of Elven Assassins. Assassins have been trained by her family for over 500 years. Her ancestors had all trained in the Order of Elven Assassins, a secret and covet network within Last Hope. As a mercenary, her services are procured by the colour and amount of your coin.
In combat, she smashes her enemies with a Surprise Attack, Vanish and Rooted attacks. She is fiercely loyal to her Guild and will never run away from battle.
Her genetics are that of the Crystal Elves below the Northern Elven Forests. This is why she has exceptional darkvision underground and at night. Many unfortunate creatures have failed to hear her soft footfall and before they know it her blade steals their life. She is indeed Swift in the shade as her family name suggests!
Active Skills
The hero leaps to a different location launching 2 daggers from each side upon landing. Both are coated in poison!
Surprise Attack
Uses a smoke bomb released at their feet so they can vanish in a puff of smoke!
VanishPassive Skills
Anchor yourself to the ground, resisting movement debuffs and ensuring your foes can't easily dictate the battlefield.
Rukar Deathshroud is an Orc Assassin who is a master of concealment in the shadows. Using Cunning, Fatal Strike and Dagger Throw he slays his enemies. As a mercenary he loves the smell and look of silver and gold coins. Gems are his absolute favourite though and he longs to become a freelance miner of gemstones when the war is over.
He grew up in a family of Orcs and half-Orcs. His grandparents and father were full Orcs, but his mother was human. So technically he is half-Orc but you couldn’t tell at first as his father’s genes are so strong in him. His family always embraced the human and Orc cultures when he was a boy. This made him empathetic towards other races and cultures. Rukar is a lover of languages and culture. He learned to speak the basics of many languages including Elven, Orc, Common and Dwarvish. This makes him popular among the Guilds as he can talk to them in their own tongue.
Active Skills
Throws a posioned dagger through the air at unsuspecting enemies.
Dagger Throw
Strikes the enemy in a fatal spot that unleashes death defying damage.
Fatal StrikePassive Skills
Sharpen your wits and precision, amplifying your Critical Damage, making your critical hits truly devastating.
Roland is a mighty archer from the city of Last Hope. He is the descendent of one of the courageous heroes slain on Mount Agnasias by Oblivion’s armies. That was the great battle when the sanctuary of the two sacred stones was smashed.
As a boy, he would hunt with his bow for rabbits and deer in the woods around his village. He could bag a rabbit from 100 yards with his short bow. Roland would crouch in the forest, painted with green plant dye, and merge into the background. Then he would strike with the precision of an eagle pouncing on his prey.
Roland by nature was a quiet man. He only spoke when absolutely necessary. This was ideal for his hunting in the forest as he could steathily creep towards his unsuspecting prey. His nickname ‘Swiftshot’ summed up his lightning speed with a bow.
His mother, father and brother had all been killed by the freaks of Oblivion, so he hated them with a passion. His one goal was to rid the world of Oblivion and his minions. Silent and humble, Roland was a true master of the bow.
Active Skills
Shoots an exploding arrow up into the air that lands with a big explosion.
This female Orc Tank is a battle fanatic whose strength and courage will drive any Guild of heroes forward to victory. Roghta Steelfang is a lover of art, music and poetry but on the battlefield this friendly Orc becomes a terrifying meat shield of chaos.
Roghta is called Steelfang for the bite of her shield and blade are as tough and merciless as steel. She smashes Oblivion cursed armies into submission and laughs as they explode with pain. This is the tank that every guild needs at the front of their onslaught.
Like many in Last Hope, Roghta witnessed the murder of her once true love, a male Orc known as Taratha. He was slain by the undead before her very eyes. There was nothing she could do to save him, for they were greatly outnumbered. Instead, after her love was torn in half, Roghta jumped off a cliff and fell 100 feet into deep water below. The force of the blow from the impact on the water knocked her unconscious. Three days later she was found by a Last Hope patrol. She mourned the death of her first and truest love and swore an oath to dedicate her life to slaying the forces of darkness!
Active Skills
Bangs their shield with their weapon sending sound waves to taunt enemies.
A potent blow that lashes out with his shield to smash enemies backwards.
Shield SwipePassive Skills
Harden your resolve against critical strikes, gaining increase in Critical Resistance, making you a tough nut to crack.
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